Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Saveer – Providing a Base for Researchers Since the Past 25 Years!

The climatic condition of the world is not in the best of state. In the past 10 years itself, there has been an outcry from around the world regarding the increasingly warming temperatures and pollution done by humans as a whole. That being said, our climate and its effect on our cash crops is a fact that nobody wants to talk about. We all know that all crops and plants need one particular climate to grow. When we say climate, that includes rain, wind and temperature and coincidentally these are the only things that govern the existence of a crop.

To combat the changing climatic conditions scientists conduct researches to genetically alter crops that are significant to us. This being said, genetically altering a crops DNA is quite frankly the only way to use any climatic situation at hand. But to conduct these researches, researchers need extremely stable climates which can be only found in Saveer’s Commercial greenhouse. Greenhouses have been in existence in one form or the other since the late 1700’s.

But those were rudimentary glass greenhouses that very much like the plants grown outside, relied on sunlight and winds for warmth. The only thing artificial about these initial greenhouses was the water supply system.

But with the dawn of the 21st century technology allowed companies to develop newer, better and more efficient greenhouses. So efficient that Saveer, one of the leading greenhouse suppliers in India, have produced a greenhouse that can replicate any climate in the world. Along with that the product comes with a host of research friendly products that help aid the monitoring and maintenance of the crops better.

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